A two-day workshop on "Placement Training and Guidance for Higher Education" was organised byFaculty of Engineering and Technology, KBNUheld on 9th and 10th October 2024. The participants of the event were students of all branches of Faculty of Engineering and Technology, KBNU of 5th and 7th-semester. This workshop aimed at providing a robust and interactive approach to make the students placement – ready. It included real time exercise, case study, activities and games to provide them a practical experience. The Demonstrations and a comprehensive placement guide which ensured students have all the tools to excel at employability and also which elevates our institutions placement statistics .The aim of the workshop was to increase placement success rate, making KBNU a preferred destination for recruiters. The event provided a valuable platform for students to receive guidance on navigating the placement process and exploring opportunities for further education.
Summary of Two-Day Workshop
The anchoring of the Workshop was done by program Coordinator Mrs Nikhat Fatima Asst professor CSE Dept. which was followed with the recitation of verses of The Holy Quran by a 7th sem student. The program further continued by felicitationsofChief Guest Honourable Vice-Chancellor Prof. Ali Raza Moosvi, Guest of Honour Smt Bindu Mani R N, IPS (KTK-2021) and Resource person Mr. Faheem Sait.
The Guest of Honor Smt. Bindu Mani R N, IPS (KTK-2021) Asst. Superintendent of Police, Rural Sub Division Kalaburagi, Kalaburagi Dist. interacted with the students, guiding them in depth regarding the preparation for UPSC exam and other Competitive exams.Madam provided satisfactory answers to the various questions asked by the students and also gave the students tips regarding preparation in accordance to the syllabus and question paper pattern of UPSC . Madam also advised the students to follow government job websites regularly and notifications.
The Resource person Mr Faheem Sait gave a brief introduction about the two day program and also highlighted about the awareness of job employment in various IT sectors and industries.
Special Guest, Dr. M A Baseer, IQAC director KBNU, addressed the students highlighting the importance of placement training in order to expose the students to the reality and to make them ready to work anywhere in the corporate world.
Chief Guest, Honourable Vice-Chancellor, KBNU, highlighted the students to keep their views broad and instructed to become the owner of their self and their career by progressing, respecting and achieving their destinedgoal. Sir also highlighted on the role of presentation and communication skills in pursuing acareer of choice. Sir concluded his speech by congratulating the entire team of Faculty of Engineering and Technology for taking the first step in the journey of training and placements.
Day 1(Afternoon session): Mr. Faheem Sait, Resource Person, with his dynamic and interactive personality engaged the students about placements by giving his own past life and real-time examples. The session was very interesting and interactive which had a two way communication between students and resource person. The session was completely activity oriented. Sir also gave a lot of tips on how to connect to the HR dept of industries for placements. His explanation included suitable case studies. By taking an example of Burj Khalifa sir explained about the power of vision. Sir enhanced the importance of networking and connecting to people. Day 1 session concluded with a complete road map of placement and an amazing quote “My Life My Responsibility”.
Day2: Morning session begins with the Resource Person, Mr. Faheem Sait, explaining the students on how to attend telephonic job interviews. He then highlighted the importance of LinkedIn website, and other job seeking websites. He as an example guided students on how to create and use a Linked In profile efficiently to obtain jobs through it .
To make the morning session more interactive, Sir connected all the students in the auditorium througha live video call with his experienced senior friend who was an HR in a recruiting company. Here, they learnt the concept of USP - Uniqueness, Skills and Potential, that each individual must possess and implement.
Afternoon session: Begins with Resume creation where sir gave important tips on creating professional identity resume using ‘ATS’.Sir explained the importance of internships and how it was introduced to fill the gap between a fresher and an experienced resource. Sir also gave a sample of 70-30 split resume. Session ended with a bunch of activities which included corporate Interview cycle and Feedback posters that were made by students giving them a hint of Team-work.
The Workshop concluded on 10th Oct 2024 with a Valedictory Function anchored by Mrs. Ayesha Kiran, Asst. Prof., CSE Dept. The program began by escorting the Resource Person Mr. Faheem Sait, Chairperson of the Workshop Prof. S Kamal Mohammed Azam, the Workshop Convenors – Dr. Sameena Banu, HOD, CSE dept, Dr. Shabana Tabassum, HOD, ECE dept. and Mr. S Moulana Hashmi, HOD Civil Dept, and the Workshop Coordinators Mrs. Zeenath Sultana and Mrs. Nikhat Fatima, Assistant Professors, CSE Dept on the dias.
Felicitating of the Chairperson of the Workshop Prof. S Kamal Mohammed Azam, Dean, FoET, KBNU was done by Dr. Nasir Ali, Assistant Professor, Mech Dept.
Felicitating of the Resource Person Mr. Faheem Sait was done by Mr. Mohammed Moyeed Abrar, Assistant Professor, CSE Dept.
Dr. Feroza M, Assistant Professor, ECE Dept. felicitated convenor Dr. Shabana Tabassum, HOD, ECE dept.
Mrs. Shireen Fatima, Assistant Professor, ECE Dept. felicitated convenor Dr. Sameena Banu, HOD, CSE dept.
Dr. Mohammed Muqeem, Assistant Professor, Civil Dept. felicitated convenor Mr. S M Hashmi, HOD Civil Dept.
Mrs. Tabassum Nahid, Assistant Professor, CSE Dept. felicitated coordinator Mrs. Zeenath Sultana, Assistant Professor, CSE Dept.
Mrs. Amreen Anjum, Assistant Professor, CSE Dept. felicitated coordinator Mrs. Nikhat Fatima, Assistant Professor, CSE Dept.
Lastly Mr. Faheem Sait donated two books to FoET library written by him titled “Master Key to Job Start”, the book launch and opening was done during the valedictory event.
Several final year students shared their learnings from the program in the form of a feedback speech on the dias. Students thanked Mr. Faheem Sait for insights he gave them during this two day workshop.
Students of 5th and 7th semester were handed with the workshop certificates given by the guests on the dias.
The Program was concluded with a vote of thanks by Mr. Md. Yusuf Ahmed, Assistant Professor, ECE Dept.