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One Day Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Awareness Program

Intellectual property is a broad categorical description for the set of intangible assets owned and legally protected by a company or individual from outside use or implementation without consent. Intellectual property is an umbrella term for a set of intangible assets or assets that are not physical in nature.

Intellectual property rights (IPR) are important for engineering students because they give engineers control over their creations, prevent unauthorized use, and enable commercialization. In engineering, IPR refers to the ideas, inventions, processes, or methodologies that an engineer develops, such as technical specifications, designs, methodologies, or system processes.

Technical institutes have an important role in promoting innovation, technical advancement, and intellectual property rights.

The Government of India (GOI) recommends that every university to have an Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Cell to help implement its IPR Policy. The IPR cell of the university ensures speedy and accurate identification and protection of innovations arising out of the research work carried out by the students and alumni of the university. So awareness about IPR essential for students and faculties has become essential.

Objectives of the program

  • The main objective of the program is to create awareness about IPR

  • To know different types of IPR

  • To know the process getting patent

  • To establish IPR cell of KBN University


The function started with Qiraat by Dr S M Mohiuddin Sarmast, Asst. Prof. Civil Engineering Department Khaja Bandanawaz (KBN) University. Prof. Syed Arafat. Civil Engineering Department Khaja Bandanawaz (KBN) University, welcomed the guest and participants. Overview of the program is given by Dr Mohd Nazeeruddin, Asst. Prof.  Civil Engineering Department Khaja Bandanawaz (KBN) University. Prof Sainath Vaidya, Asst. Prof. Civil Eng. Dept KBNU introduced the guests and resource person to audience. Prof. Siddha raj Kumbhar delivered a seminar on fundamentals of Intellectual property rights. Dr Rajshree Palade, Dean research appreciated efforts of organizer for conducting a awareness program on IPR. She said KBN university is take many initiatives in the field of IPR. Dr. Zama Moosvi, HOD department of Forensic, FOMS and other dignitaries felicitated  all patent holders of Faculty of engineering and technology given a memento in appreciation of their innovation.   Dr Shahid Ali,Asst. Prof. Civil Engg Dept KBNU proposed vote of thank.



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