Day-1 on 03-09-2024 session started with welcome speech by Dr.Mohd Nazeeruddin (program coordinator).
Chief guest Dr.Rajshree paladi, Dean research and Convenor KBN university is introduced by Mrs. Tabassum Nahid Sultana Asst.Prof. CSE, FOET.
The resource person Mr.SidharajKumbhar,IPR expert, Solapur is introduced by Dr.Shaik Abdul Majid Asst. Prof ME FOET, KBNU.
Dr.RajshreePaladi said in her speech that university and patents have a mutual beneficial relationship. Patents play an important role in helping university to enhance its quality education and creating research oriented environment.
Honourable Vice Chancellor Sir , Readily accepted the concept of online workshop and granted the permission.
Further she said this workshop is created a platform wherein all staff members of Faculty of Engineering, Medical, Science, Humanities came together.
Resource person Mr.Sidharajkumbhar sir elaborated the procedure of patenting
He also described different forms to be filled in order to get the patent. He also gave live demonstration.
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