18th July 2024 the third day of the Induction Program at KBNU, Kalaburagi, was successfully completed to orient the first-year students of various undergraduate courses including B.A, B.Com, and B.Sc about the institute. The event included a brief introduction to the background and administrative personnel of the university, introductions to several departments, refresher activities for students and a comprehensive guide to the State Education Policy (SEP).
Program Highlights
1. Introducing Departments: In continuation of Day 1, six departments were introduced to the students by the respective faculty members. An overview of the departmental activities and courses offered was provided as well as the importance and career scope of each discipline. This session was informative and enlightening for the students' present and future endeavours.
2. Introduction to KBN university: Following the departmental introductions, Ms. Rabia, Assistant Professor from the Department of Psychology gave a brief introduction to the origins and background of KBN university. This session aimed to familiarise the students with the history and administrative committee of the institution.
3. Refresher Activities: Led by Dr. Badarinath D. Kulkarni and Dr. Jahanara Kudsi, Assistant Professors in the Biotechnology department, the students were engaged in several interesting and enjoyable activities. This session served as an ice-breaker as well as a moodbooster for the students who enthusiastically participated in the activities.
4. Guide to SEP: Dr. Syed Abrar, Assistant Professor from the Botany Department conducted a comprehensive session on the State Education Policy, giving in-depth information on the frameworks, scheme of examinations and credit structure of the courses. The guide was highly informative and helpful for students as well as the faculty members present. It was followed by an interactive session where students were encouraged to share their career goals.