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Plantation Activity “ Each One Plant One”

The Electronics and Communication Engineering (E&CE) department organized a plantation activity “Each One Plant One” on 22/11/2023 with the aim to promote environmental awareness, sustainability, and community involvement among students and faculty members. The event was a resounding success, drawing participation from both students and faculty, showcasing the department's commitment to environmental stewardship.

The primary objective of the plantation activity was to contribute to environmental conservation by planting trees and enhancing the green cover on the campus. Additionally, the activity aimed to educate participants about the importance of trees in mitigating climate change and improving air quality. Prior to the event, the organizing committee led by Dr. Feroza Mirajkar and student volunteers conducted thorough planning to ensure the smooth execution of the plantation drive. The committee selected a suitable location on the campus for planting, procured saplings of native tree species, and arranged necessary tools and equipment for planting. On the day of the event, participants gathered at the designated location where they were briefed about the importance of the plantation drive and the proper techniques for planting trees. Following the briefing, students and faculty members enthusiastically began planting saplings, working together in teams to ensure efficient planting and care of the trees. The plantation activity saw the successful planting of 35 saplings of various native tree species.   Participants were encouraged to take ownership of the trees they planted, committing to their care and monitoring their growth over time. The plantation activity had a positive impact on the campus environment, contributing to the enhancement of the green cover and biodiversity. The newly planted trees will serve as a lasting legacy, providing numerous ecological benefits for years to come. The plantation activity organized by the E&CE department was a resounding success, achieving its objectives of promoting environmental awareness, sustainability, and community involvement. The event demonstrated the department's dedication to fostering a culture of environmental responsibility among its members and contributing to the greening of the campus.



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