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DAY - 4 (16-12-2023)

The Fourth-Day (Saturday) of the Sports and Cultural Fest of the Khaja Bandanawaz University was started with Inter-faculty matches among the students.

The faculties were divided into four teams:

·         Team A-Faculty of Medical Sciences (FOMS)

·         Team B-Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FOET)

·         Team C- Faculty of Sciences (FOS)

·         Team D- Faculty of Faculty of Languages, Arts Humanities, Sciences, Social Sciences, Law, Commerce, and Education (FOALHSSL/Ed)

Events of the day:

Outdoor Games:

1.      Badminton (Boys & Girls)

2.      Tug of War (Boys)

Cultural Event:

1.      Art Competition at Open Amphi Theatre

The fourth day of the grand Sports and Cultural fest of Khaja Banadanawz University witnessed intense enthusiasm among the students and faculties. The highly anticipated badminton match (boys) unfolded with great energy and skill, captivating spectators at 3:00 p.m. near the open amphi theatre of Khaja Bandanawaz University on 16.12.0223. The participants, equipped with precision rackets and agile footwork, engaged in a thrilling contest that showcased their athleticism and strategic prowess.

The first match was played between Team A and Team D in which Team A got victory. In the next match hich was played between Team B and Team C, Team B won.  Team A emerged as the warrior in the final match of boys which was played between Team A and Team B.

The competition was judged by Prof. Arafath (FOET), Dr. Badrinath Kulkarni (FOSc)and Dr. Atiullah (FOALHSSL/Ed).

Likewise, girls’ badminton match begun at 4:45p.m. The first match was played between Team A and Team C in which Team C was the winner.

In the next match Team B and Team D faced each other in which Team D has won. The intense final match was held between Team B and Team D in which Team B victoriously secure the first position whereas Team D occupied the second position.

The match of the girls was judged by Dr. Javeria Firdaus (FOET), Ms. Syeda Afshan Anjum (FOSc), and Dr. Saleha Khatoon(FOALHSSL/ed). The badminton match not only provided entertainment but also highlighted the dedication and skill inherent in the sport, leaving a lasting impression on all those in attendance.

The next sports event was Tug of War competition which was held at5:00 p.m. at the sports ground of Khaja Bandanaawz University. The competition was a gripping display of strength, teamwork, and competitive spirit. Participants from all the faculties charged the atmosphere with their active participation.

As the teams were divided into four faculties, the first round of the match was held between Team B and Team C in which Team B became the winner. In the match between the rest two teams, Team A won. The final match charged the atmosphere with anticipation as Team A and Team B fiercely faced each other. Team B emerged as the winner while Team A was the runner-up.

The match was judged by Mr. Ramesh N (FOALHSSL/ed), Dr. Tilak Gasti (FOSc), Dr. Saher Ansari (FOMS) and Zamarrrud Taj (FOET).

In the cultural event, Art competition was organized with the theme of ‘open sky’ (Khula Aasman). The competition marked resounding success, showcasing a diverse array of creative talent and artistic expression. Held at the open amphitheatre on 16.12.2023 at 2:00 p.m., the event attracted a remarkable number of participants, ranging from different academic backgrounds of Khaja Bandanawaz University.

A total number of 32 participants have participated from various faculties who enthusiastically embraced the challenge of interpreting the theme in their unique ways.

The Art competition was judged by Dr. Afshan Deshmukh (FOALHSSL/ed), Prof. Shabana Tabassum (FOET), Dr. Jahan Ara Khudsi (FOSc), and Dr. Pratima (FOSM).

Amidst the tough competition, Harmeen Safura (FOET) received the first position whereas Syeda Khatija (FoSc) secured second position for deciphering the themeof Khula Aasman’ aesthetically.



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