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Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Summary of the Alumni Meet, 2023

Alumni Meet 2023 was organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, KhajaBandanawaz University on 7th October 2023, with an aim to foster a sense of community building, networking, and to create a mutually beneficial relationship between the alumni and the institute. The mentorship provided by the alumni would help shape the future endeavors of outgoing students.

The gathering started with the recitation of Qirat-e-Kalaam-e- Paak by 5th semester student Syed MusabAfroz.

Dr. SameenaBanu , HOD, Computer Science & Engineering, welcomed the gathering. She also welcomed the four Guest Alumni, Er. Mohammed Sameer, Er. Sandeep K.K, Er. MdMuqeetIrfan, and Er. Tabrez Ahmed for the event.

Dr S.K. MohdAzam, Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, KhajaBandanawaz University, highlighted the importance of alumni for the university. He addressed the alumni members and congratulated them for their success in professional career and also advised them to remain associated with the institute for further collaborations. These events are a great way for alumni to reconnect, share experiences and establish professional relationships.

Four distinguished alumni members who have achieved landmark in their professional careers were felicitated on this occasion.

The guest alumni advised our students and recent graduates about the choice of career paths, recent industry trends and process of job hunting. They also shared their life experiences, industry insights and expertise in their field, thus benefiting current students. All the alumni expressed their willingness to give their support in arranging future industrial visits and campus placements.

There was a short Q&A session between the guest alumni and the students present, which immensely helped in clarifying the doubts of young graduates.

The event was thus concluded by a Vote of Thanks by 7thsem student Aqsa Fatima, followed by a photo session and a delightful lunch.

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Summary of Alumni Meet-2023

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, KhajaBandanawaz University organized an Alumni Meet on 9 th October 2023 for Under-graduate Alumni.

The event was hosted by Prof. J R Agarkhed, Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering Department, KhajaBandanawaz University.

The Alumni meet began with invocation of the Holy Qur’an. by Mr. Abdul Qadeer Helper, Mechanical Engineering Department, KhajaBandanawaz University

The event was opened with a warm welcome speech by the Department Head Dr. Nayeemuddin, emphasizing the importance of alumni engagement.

Dr. MdNasir Ali, Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering Department, KhajaBandanawaz University delivered introductory remarks for the guest alumni.

Felicitation of President of Alumni Meet and guest Alumni was performed by various staff members.

Keynote speeches were delivered by Mr. Mohammed AjmalShakeeb (CoE, trainer GT&TC Kalaburagi), Mr. Mohammed Faizuddin (Business development representative in Verisuri UK services), Mr. SangoliNishanth (Prop. AmrutRatna, TVS dealer Kalaburagi), Mr. Mohammed QadeerBaghban (Prop. MUM Steel traders Kalaburagi) covering diverse topics related to Mechanical Engineering, innovation, Entrepreneurship and professional growth.

Panel discussions were organized on themes like Industry Trends, Sustainability and Career Development by Dr. Vishaldatt V Kohir, Professor Mechanical Engineering Department, KhajaBandanawaz University, providing insights and encouraging active participation from the attendees.

Alumni success stories were shared, inspiring the current students and highlighting the accomplishments of the graduates in the Mechanical Engineering field.

Presidential remarks by Dr S.K.M. Azam, Dean Faculty of Engineering and Technology regarding the ample networking opportunities, allowing alumni to reconnect with their peers, faculty and industry professionals.

Closing remarks by Prof. Umme Salma, Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering Department, KhajaBandanawaz University, included expressions of gratitude to the attendees for their active participation and contributions to making the event a success.

Department of Aeronautical Engineering

Summary of Alumni Meet-2023

The alumni meet was organized by the Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, KhajaBandanawaz University, Kalaburagi, on 9 th October 2023. The event was started by welcoming the dignitaries by Ms. Sumayya, student of B.E. 7th semester

The welcome speech was delivered by Prof. Syed KashifHussain, Head of the Aeronautical Engineering Department. He welcomed the Chief Guest, Dr. Shaik Kamal Mohd. Azam, Dean, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, and the Guest of Honour, Mr. Mohammed SufianAteef,

Associate Manager, Kaplan INC, Bengaluru. He emphasized on importance of technical skills and robust alumni network for accelerated growth in career. Later, the Chief Guest, Dr. Shaik Kamal Mohd. Azam spoke about growing transportation and aeronautical industry, which would give a lot of career opportunities to Aeronautical Engineers. He also expressed the importance of alumni meet in order to establish connections with other Aeronautical Engineers. He also spoke about the achievements of alumni of erstwhile Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Khaja Banda Nawaz College of Engineering, Kalaburagi.

The Guest of Honour, Mr. Mohammed SufianAteef, appreciated the development of the Aeronautical Engineering Department and the University. He spoke about the opportunities in the aeronautical / aerospace engineering field. Technical aspects of various fields of aeronautical / aerospace engineering were discussed.

The alumni shared experiences of their graduation journey at KhajaBandanawaz University. Later, all the alumni were presented with a momento. Mr. MohdVarfanSiddiqui student of B.E. 7th semester, proposed a vote of thanks.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Summary of the Alumni Meet, 2023

The Alumni Meet, 2023 was organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering on30thSeptember, 2023 in order to reconnect and relive the old memories and to celebrate their achievements. The meet was hosted by the department staff.

The program was hosted by Miss. Syeda Afifa Erum, BE VII Sem, Dept. of ECE,FoET, KBNU. The meeting began with invocation by Mr. Majid Hussain, BE VII Sem, Department of CSE, FoET, KBNU. The President of the meet, chief guests, and alumni were welcomed by Prof Zamarud Taj Asst. Professor, Department of ECE, FoET, KBNU.It was followed by the felicitation of the President f the Alumni Meet, Dr. Shaikh Kamal Md Azam, Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, KBNU, Mr. Mohammed Azharuddin Sr Project Engineer, Wipro limited Hyderabad, Mr. Md. Zameeruddin Software Engineer, Mphasis PVT LTD B’lore, Mr. Gururaj Kulkarni, Manager and HR of Jee Kee Technologies, B’lore and Prof Shabana Tabassum HOD Dept. of ECE, FoET, KBNU. The Alumni was addressed by our chief guests Mr. Mohammed Azharuddin, Mr. Mohammed Azharuddinand Mr. Gururaj Kulkarni.

The Alumni shared their past experiences. This was followed by the mementoes distribution to all alumni. The Presidential address was given by Dr. Shaikh Kamal MdAzam, Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, KBNU. The event was concluded with vote of thanks by Prof. Shireen Tabassum, Asst. Professor, Department of ECE, FoET, KBNU and photography session.

Department of Civil Engineering


Alumni Meet 2023 was organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Khaja Bandanawaz University on 10th October 2023, with an aim to foster a sense of community building, networking, and to create a mutually beneficial relationship between the alumni and the institute. The mentorship provided by the alumni would help shape the future endeavors of outgoing students.

The gathering started with the recitation of Qirat-e-Kalaam-e- Paak by Prof Mohd Nazeeruddin

Prof Manjunath D.C, Civil Engineering, welcomed the gathering. He also welcomed the four Guest Alumni, Er. Ameen Mukhtar Ahmed and Er S S Fariduddin Sarmast

Prof S M Hashmi, HOD addresses meeting that an alumni meet recognizes and celebrates the professional achievements of alumni, reinforcing a sense of pride in the institute

Dr S.K. Mohd Azam, Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Khaja Bandanawaz University, highlighted the importance of alumni for the university. He addressed the alumni members and congratulated them for their success in professional career and also advised them to remain associated with the institute for further collaborations.

Two distinguished alumni members who have achieved landmark in their professional careers were felicitated on this occasion.

Director, IQAC of KBNU University was also present and addressed the gathering He Congratulated All The Alumnis And thanked them for attending the event, He also sensitized the alumnisreg the latest development happening in the university.

Also encouraged the students to kindly fill the alumni form at kbn website, and thanked the organizers for calling him in the event

The guest alumni advised our students and recent graduates about the choice of career paths, recent industry trends and process of job hunting. They also shared their life experiences, industry insights and expertise in their field, thus benefiting current students. All the alumni expressed their willingness to give their support in arranging future industrial visits and campus placements.

There was a short Q&A session between the guest alumni and the students present, which immensely helped in clarifying the doubts of young graduates.

The event was thus concluded by a Vote of Thanks by Prof Mohd Muqeem, followed by a photo session and a delightful lunch.

Department of Petrochem Engineering

Summary of Alumni Meet 2023

The Department of Petrochem Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Khaja Bandanawaz University organized an Alumni Meet on 12th October 2023 for Under-graduate Alumni

The event was hosted by Md. Yusuf A S, Assistant Professor, Chemistry Department, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Khaja Bandanawaz University. The Alumni meet began with invocation of the Holy Qur’an. by Mr. WajahatRaza, Alumni Student, Petrochem Engineering Department, Khaja Bandanawaz University.

The event was opened with a warm welcome speech by the Department Head Dr. Shridhar Bagali, emphasizing the importance of alumni engagement. Dr. Shridhar Bagali, Assistant Professor HOD Petrochem Engineering Department, Khaja Bandanawaz University delivered introductory remarks for the guest alumni.

Felicitation of President of Alumni Meet and guest Alumni was performed by various staff members. Keynote speech were delivered by Mr. Shiddeshwar Hiremath (Police Department) covering diverse topics related to Petrochem Engineering & Civil Service Examinations, innovation, Entrepreneurship and professional growth.

The event provided ample networking opportunities, allowing alumni to reconnect with their peers, faculty, and industry professionals.

Presidential remarks by Dr S.K.M. Azam, Dean Faculty of Engineering and Technology regarding the ample networking opportunities, allowing alumni to reconnect with their peers, faculty, and industry professionals.

Closing remarks by Md. Yusuf A S, Assistant Professor Engineering Chemistry Department KBNU included expressions of gratitude to the attendees for their active participation and contributions to making the event a success.



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