On the occasion of “World Vitiligo Day” the Department of DVL of KBNU had conducted “Vitiligo Awareness Programme”
Programme Details:
The Programme started at 11 am in the lecture hall.
After welcoming all the dignitaries MS, Dean, PS Shankar, HODs, Staff, Students and Others, there was a U.G Quiz held which was divided into 4 groups of 2 members each.
There were five rounds which included Each one – Get one, simultaneously each question answered correctly will get one point and wrong answer will get a negative 1 point.
Round 2 – the end game – Question asked in reverse that is from Team D to Team A.
Round 3 – where no negatives for wrong answer were added.
Round 4 – Rapid fire – Question should be answered within 30 seconds after display.
Round 5 – Quick Hands – team which raises hand first will get the answer.
Consolation prizes were given to all the participants and winner team awarded.
Consolation prize was given by Dean Siddesh Sirwar and MS Siddling Chengty.
Winner team was given prize by Honorable PS Shankar sir.
Secondly In front of the Department of DVL there was a skit organized which was enacted by Postgraduates of DVL, Interns and Undergraduate Students of KBNU.
The Skit was conducted to raise awareness about Vitiligo and to remove concerns like it is not communicable disease, it does not spread by sharing food, utensils, clothes or by touch and majorly to remove discrimination among affected individuals.
Lastly the programme was concluded by words from Dr. Guruprasad KY, Professor and Hod of Department of DVL.