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Three week Induction Programme was organized by Faculty of Engineering and Technology, KBN University to help new students adjust and feel comfortable in the new environment, to inculcate in them the ethos and culture of the institution, to help them build bonds with other students and faculty members, and expose them to a sense of larger purpose and self exploration.

The induction programme was brought in with a view to uplift the level of the entrants to an elevated stage, promote all-round development and exposing learners’ stigmas and to maximize their learning. Learners come with diverse thoughts, backgrounds & perceptions hence it becomes important to help them to adjust to the new environment. That is where the lacuna lies which demands a program dynamic enough to address the issue. An induction programme is a harbinger of various in-campus & off-campus activities specially designed for entrants to fill the gap.



Students Induction could cover a number of different aspects such as:

  • Socializing: Meeting other new students, senior students, Lectures by Eminent People.

  • Associating: Visits to various University Dept./Branch/ Programme of study & important places on campus, local area, and city.

  • Governing: Rules and regulations, student support etc;

  • Experiencing: Subject lectures, study skills, small-group activities, physical activity, creative and performing arts, literary activities, universal human values etc.


  • The main aim of the programme is to instil the ideas, practices and spirit of our university and its unique features.

  • To enable the students to become familiar with the amenities and accessing the intellectual and physical resources of the institutions.

  • To enable the students to understand and have better relationship with the faculty members , advisers and peers for setting the pace of fruitful teaching learning experiences.

  • To nurture a deeper understanding of the local and global world and our place as concerned citizens of the world.

  • To provide adequate foundation in the core applied science subjects and Technical English.

  • To revise and reform the seminal concepts, to fill the lacuna and sensitize them towards exploring their academic interest and goals for excellence in academics.

  • To promote holistic development through the exposure of wide gamut of curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities.

Inaugural Function

The Induction Programme began with registration followed by orientation programme on 10 July, 2024. The students with their great enthusiasm reported and registered themselves at the university. Orientation programme aimed to enhance students’ familiarity with the faculties, its facilities and a plethora of cultural activities of the institution. With a fresh exposure of the induction programme, the students were exposed to the milieu of the institution with zeal and enthusiasm.

The Inaugural session began with recitation of verses of Holy Quran.

Mrs. Asiya Masarat, Assistant Professor and Programme Coordinator then welcomed the gathering.


Dr. S. Kamal Mohd. Azam, Dean, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Khaja Bandanawaz University, felicitated Dr. Abdul Basheer, Deputy Controller of Examinations, on a significant occasion


Mr. Srinivas Kalaskar, from the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Khaja Bandanawaz University, extends warm felicitations to Dr. S Kamal Mohd Azam, esteemed Dean of the Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Khaja Bandanawaz University.


Keynote by Dr. Abdul Basheer, Deputy Controller of Examinations, Khaja Bandanawaz University

Inaugural speech by Dr. Abdul Basheer, Deputy Controller of Examinations paid homage to His Holiness Late Hazrath Syed Shah Gesudaraz Mohammed MohammedUl Hussaini Sahib, Founder President KES. He expressed his gratitude to the president of KES and Chancellor KBN University, His Holiness Janab Dr. Syed Shah Gesudaraz Khusro Hussaini Sahab for his dedication, effort and endless support without which this University would not have been existing. With great pleasure, he acknowledged the never ending support and cooperation of Janab Syed Shah Ali Al Hussaini, Vice President KES, and Pro-Chancellor KBN University.


To mark the beginning of the academic year and Induction Programme, Dr. Abdul Basheer, emphasized the importance of core values i.e. dedication and discipline. He also emphasized the importance of transcending the knowledge of engineering into application for the betterment of the society. He appealed the students to utilize maximum resources at the most of their capacity for academic enhancement. He encouraged students to improve their communication, problem solving, and creativity and leadership skills apart from technical skills.

 Felicitation of Heads of Various departments of FOET, KBNU

Dr. S. K. Mohammed Azam, Dean, FoET, KBNU, motivated the students to aspire for civil and administrative services after the completion of graduation


In his speech, he made the students understand the value of life and the responsibilities of the students. He focused on the fact that students should start thinking on their own, that will imbibe the sense of responsibility in them and that will lead them towards a successful career. With a holistic approach, he emphasized that students should also participate in extracurricular activities along with studies for their overall development. He also encouraged the students to develop leadership qualities by participating through student forum at Department level. He also encouraged the students and explained the ethical and moral values towards the society. He emphasized the importance of goal setting and its implementation for future life. Lastly he wished them for their great success.


Orientation by Heads of various departments

Dr. Sameena Banu, Head, Department of Computer Science Engineering and Technology, briefed the students about the most demanding branch of the university. In her speech she enlightened that Computer Science branch provides a cutting-edge exploration of programming, mathematics, and analytics to create out-of-the-box designs with digital technologies necessary to drive innovation across borders and sectors. The academic programs of the department are highly innovative and keenly sought after. The department has trained more than a thousand engineers who have distinguished themselves as leading academicians, industry professionals, and entrepreneurs in several universities and industries in India and abroad.

Dr S.M. Hashmi, Head of the Department, Civil Engineering, introduced all the students to the best and evergreen branch of the university. He introduced the civil engineering branch as a  profession of designing and executing structural works that serve the general public, by constructing damsbridgesaqueductscanalshighways, power plants, sewerage systems, and other infrastructureThe Department is well known because of its multi-talented alumni’s. Several former UG and PG students of the department are in various topmost prestigious positions globally in different sectors like academia, research organization, industry, government bureaucrats etc.

Prof. Mohd Kashif, Head of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering, welcomed the students for the induction programme and informed that Faculty of Engineering and Technology, KBN University, is the first institute in Karnataka that has started Aeronautical Engineering branch under graduate level. The Department is equipped with sophisticated "subsonic wind tunnel" for the accurate testing and measurement of models and a working "jet engine" model. Students are provided with practical training cum exposure at different Indian air force stations. The scope of aeronautical engineering branch finds both in public sectors and private sectors. Public sectors includes the companies such as DRDO, BAIL, HAL, and NAL and private sectors includes AIRBUS, BOING, TATA, MAHINDRA,  HONEYWELL, GE ENERGY , AIRLINES and many more. The department is also having a MIG21 fighter jet airplane from Indian Air Force. 

Dr. Jakeer Hussain, Head of the department of Applied Sciences, welcomed the students to a new journey of Professional life. He explained that the department takes care of core subjects like Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Professional communications. He also stated that the department serves as bedrock for the engineering departments of the Institute. The department has competent and knowledgeable faculty and well equipped laboratories.


Dr. Nayeemuddin, Head of the Department, Mechanical Engineering enlightened, that Mechanical Engineering is the branch of engineering that involves the design, production, and operation of machinery. This field requires an understanding of core areas including mechanics, dynamics, thermodynamics, materials science, structural analysis, and electricity. In addition to these core principles, mechanical engineers use tools such as computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), and product lifecycle management to design and analyze manufacturing plants, industrial equipment and machinery. He stated that the Mechanical Engineering Department started during the establishment of the institute and is one of the oldest branches in the university. The department has well established laboratories & at the same time highly qualified & experienced faculty members. The department offers a thorough academic structure for theoretical understanding and their practical applications, efficiently assisted by heavy duty machines, turbines fixed with large underground water storage tank, computers with latest software, CNC lathe and CNC Milling machines with offline software simulation packages, lathe, grinding, welding machines and multiple cylinder IC engine.

Prof. N. M. Maroof, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, briefed how Electronic devices have become a major part of everybody’s life. With the evolution of technology, E&CE has become an essential discipline that is required by every other industry. A graduate in E&CE can develop an exciting career in industries like Consumer Electronics, Manufacturing, Organization, Telecommunication & IT industries and Health Care systems. He also elaborated about the best facilities available in the department. Many alumni’s are working across the globe, and one of the alumni Mr. K Raheem of 1997 batch is working in NASA, USA. He addressed the students to inculcate the habit of self-disciple, punctuality and dedication towards assigned work.

The Inaugural function ended up with the vote of thanks by Dr. Vishaldatt Kohir. He thanked Dr Abdul Basheer, for his constant and meticulous support which is the driving force behind the success of this Induction Programme. He extended his gratitude to all the Heads of various Departments, for their splendid talk which inspired students to stand for oneself. He thanked the Organising Committee, Coordinators, and members of the Disciplinary Committee, Technical Support Team and all the other members who directly or indirectly helped in making this event successful.

Day - 2: 11th July 2024 Orientation on Academic and Examination Rules and Regulations


Exams play a crucial role in the learning process of students. They not only test the knowledge and understanding of the subject but also help students to identify their weakness and strengths. Through exams, students can understand the concepts more deeply and get a better understanding of the subject matter. It involves the systematic evaluation of an individual’s skills using a variety of techniques, including projects, oral meetings, written exams, and practical demonstrations.

Exams are important because they can be used to determine areas of strength and weakness, monitor academic progress, and validate capability or qualification. They offer feedback that informs program development and learning objectives for both teachers and students. Exams also provide a starting point for achievement criteria, making it easier to compare people and organizations equally. Exams also promote healthy competitiveness, a sense of achievement, and motivation, all of which can support students’ academic and personal development. As a result, test plays a crucial role in a student’s academic career and greatly advances their personal development.

Dr. N M Maroof, informed the students that assessment influences cognitive and operant aspects of learning. Cognitive aspects of learning are influenced by the content of assessment: what and how do students learn. Usually students only study the educational objectives which will be assessed. He also informed about the importance of maintaining discipline including –Timing, Identity check-up and other miscellaneous factors. 

Mr. M Mujahid Irfan, emphasized the students with  the importance of infrastructure in the sense that it offers a comfortable, secure, safe, focused, and sound learning environment for students by offering all necessary amenities and facilities. He informed the students about the various facilities of the university such as smart classes, libraries, laboratories, auditorium and canteen. These infrastructures prevent students from discomfort that may cause distractions and uneasiness while learning. In addition to a well-developed infrastructure, it is essential to equip the university with resources so students can seamlessly learn and relax whenever needed. Tables, chairs, lab equipment, sports resources and sanitation requirements fulfil all basic necessity.


On day-3 of the induction programme, the students visit their respective department where they interact with department faculties and viewed the laboratories.

Dr. Sameena Banu, HOD, CSE Department, introduced all the faculty members of the department and delivered her speech over the importance of Computer Science Department in Engineering followed by the laboratory visit (C Programming Lab, Data Structures Lab, Database Management Lab, and Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Lab).


Interaction with the Faculties of Computer Science & Engineering Dept

Dr. S.M Hashmi, HOD of Civil Engineering, introduced his department and guided the students on lab visit.

Dr. Nayeemuddin, HOD of Mechanical Department briefed the overview of his department and then students visited all departmental laboratories.

Prof. N. M. Maroof, of E&CE Department illustrated the prospect of Electronics and Communication Engineering and briefed the overview of the department. Then it was turn to visit for ECE dept laboratories.

Prof. Mohd Kashif, Head of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering, introduced all the faculty members of his department and briefs the overview of AE department and then students visited all AE laboratories.

Librarian guided the students to visit an estimated number of books available in the library, and explained about the process of acquiring a library, the number of books that can be drawn at a time, when to return them, about e-library and the rules and regulation those are in generally maintained while reading or taking notes in the specified area and interact with office members of FoET.

Day - 4: 15th July 2024 Lecture on Oral Communication & Judicial Awareness for Engineers

Lecture on oral communication skills by Dr Nadeem Pasha, Dept of Civil Engineering

The need to help stimulate self-confidence from within and a brief analysis on the modern educational scenario was highlighted on the occasion. The talk dwelled into practices that would help develop one’s confidence while assessing the symptoms of a self-confident individual. The need to stay focused to help channel a broader thought process while working hard and learning simultaneously will definitely entice one’s self confidence and that was a definite take-away from the session.

Speech on significance of communication by Prof Jayanth Agerkhed, Dept of Mechanical

He emphasized that communication skills are essential for students to succeed academically, socially, and professionally. It greatly affects their Academic success, Career readiness,  Social and emotional development, Critical thinking, as well as Cultural competence.

Speech on Communication skills and process by Prof Imran Khan dept of E&CE

Day  - 5: 16th July 2024

Speech on Oral Communication by Prof. Md Nasir Ali

Students were informed that in each discipline there is an opportunity to either formally or informally practices oral communication skills.

Dr. Lubna Kauser and Prof. Tayyaba Tabassum, of CSE Dept held activities for students where they had one-on-one interaction with their senior fellow students of the university.

Faculty members with senior students of FoET

Interaction with senior student members

Day -  6: 18th July 2024

Speech on Creative Arts by Prof. Moyeed Abrar, Department of Computer Science & Engineering

On day 6, the forenoon session was started with an objective to impart in the students that creative arts have the ability to inspire and evoke emotions in ways that words cannot. Whether it's a powerful piece of music, a stunning painting, or a captivating performance, creative arts have the power to move, motivate, and uplift us. Sir has taken three themes Nature’s Beauty, India’s rise in Sports and Patriotism.

Speech on Importance of Kannada for students by Dr. Md Raja Patel, Department of Applied Science.

Sir has taken few moments to stress the importance of understanding and speaking Kannada for the engineering students. Kannada is not just a language; it is an integral part of the rich culture and heritage of Karnataka. As future engineers, the students must recognize the significance of being able to communicate effectively in Kannada.        

Speech on Judicial awareness for engineering students by Advocate Syed Mastan, Lawyer District court.

Sir made students attention towards the importance of judicial awareness for the students as future engineers. As the students pursue their education and career in engineering, it is crucial that they have a basic understanding of the legal system and the concept of justice. As engineers, they will be responsible for designing and creating various products and systems that will impact society. It is essential that they are aware of the laws and regulations that govern their profession to ensure that the work is in compliance with the legal standards. This knowledge will help the students to avoid any legal implications and ensure the safety and well-being of the public.

Furthermore, having a basic understanding of judicial concepts will help the students to navigate any legal challenges that may arise in their professional careers. Students need to be aware of their rights and responsibilities as engineers and the legal processes that may come into play in case of disputes or issues related to our work

Day  - 7: 19th July 2024

On day 7, the forenoon session was started with an objective to impart in the students the rules and regulations of Academics. They are the vital part of academic and examination processes. Welcome speech by Dr.  Jakir Hussain, HOD Applied Science, FoET.

Speech on Rules and Regulations of Academics Prof. Md Yousuf, Department of mathematics, FoET. & Prof. Md Yousuf, Department of mathematics, FoET.

Academic rules and regulations are put in place to maintain a respectful and professional learning environment. They ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to learn and succeed, without disruption or infringement on the rights of others. This could include rules regarding attendance, behaviour in class, and academic integrity.

Speech on Rules and Regulations of Examination Prof. Md Yousuf, Department of mathematics, FoET.

Examination rules and regulations, are designed to ensure the integrity and fairness of the assessment process. This includes rules on cheating, plagiarism, and the use of unauthorized materials during exams. These rules are in place to protect the value of the qualifications that are awarded and to ensure that students are being assessed on their own abilities and knowledge.It is important for all of the students to abide by these rules and regulations.

Day - 8: 20th July 2024

On day 8, Brief introduction of resource person by Dr Zakir Hussain, HOD Applied Science, FoET. the forenoon session was started by Janab Syed moulana Mufti Abdul Rashid Bargah e bandanawaz, on Moral education, which is more than just learning the difference between right and wrong. It is about cultivating the values of empathy, integrity, and accountability. These values will guide the students in making ethical decisions in their professional and personal life. As engineers, students will often be faced with complex ethical dilemmas, such as balancing safety and cost, environmental impact, and social responsibility. A strong foundation in moral education will help them navigate these challenges with integrity and compassion.

Speech on Rules & Regulations of Academics & Eligibility criteria by Dr. S.K. Mohd. Azam, Dean, FoET.

Day  - 9: 23rd July 2024

On day 9, the forenoon session started were the students made aware of computer applications which include Word Processing Software, Graphics Software, Spreadsheet Software, Presentation Software and Web Browsers. Speech on Computer Applications by Prof Naveeduddin, Computer Science & Engg. Department, FoET

Speech on Patriotism by Dr.Vishaldatt Kohir, Mechanical Engg. Department,FoET

Students were made to realize patriotism towards the nation through understanding of patriotism, patriotism before and after 1947, patriotism of engineer, Characteristics of patriotic, Actions of patriotic.

Speech on Universal Human Values by Prof. Ambresh Patil, Department of Civil Engg., PDACE, Kalaburagi.

Universal human values encompass the concept of respect. Students must honour and acknowledge the inherent dignity of every individual, regardless of their background or circumstances. Respect for others fosters understanding, empathy, which are crucial for building harmonious relationships and creating inclusive communities.

Day  - 10: 24th July 2024

Speech on Physical Activity by Mr. Akber Patel, physical director and campus supervisor, KBNU. The students were made aware of regular physical activities that have numerous benefits, such as improving our cardiovascular health, maintaining a healthy weight, strengthening our muscles and bones, improving mental health, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. It's not just about looking good, but feeling good too.

Physical activities don't have to be limited to just going to the gym. It can include a variety of activities such as walking, running, swimming, cycling, playing sports, dancing, gardening, or even household chores. The key is to find something you enjoy and can consistently incorporate into your daily routine.

For those of us who are leading a busy lifestyle, it's understandable that finding time for physical activities can be a challenge. However, it's important to make it a priority. You don't have to commit to hours of exercise each day. Start with small, manageable goals and gradually increase the intensity and duration as you build your fitness level.

Day - 11: 25th July 2024, Importance of Sports

The students participated in various Sports activities (both indoor and outdoor).Indoor games like carom and chess were played by forming group of students. Playing sports and games helps students improve their self-esteem, social skills and confidence. It also teaches them about time management and discipline. It helps students reduce stress and depression.

Speech by senior student members on importance of sports and games in student’s life

Day - 12: 26th July 2024 -Kargil Vijay Diwas

Kargil Vijay Diwas was celebrated as part of the induction Programme.

Speech was given on importance of Kargil Vijay Diwas and sacrifices of Indian Soldiers were delivered by the students. Students participated in activities such as Poster Painting and Shayari on Patriotism. 

Speech by Miss Ruqaya Rafa, CSE Dept on importance of Kargil Vijay Diwas to B.E. First year Students, Speech by Abu Bakar Siddiq, CSE Dept on Sacrifices of Indian Soldiers on Kargil Vijay Diwas to B.E. First year Students & Motivational Speech by Miss Shweta, CSE Dept.

Paricipants of Induction Programme & Participants of Poster Painting

Day - 13: 29th July 2024 Session on Written Communication, Sketching, Hand Writing and importance of English

Session on importance of English language by Prof Nasreen Begum & Session on Sketching, Hand Writing and Significance of Oral and Written Communication by Prof. J.R. Agarkhed

Session on Written and Oral Communication, Sketching, Hand Writing and importance of English Language was conducted to improve communication skills of students and to uplift their self confidence. 

Students visited Mosque, Canteen, Auditorium, and Administrative Block of the university.

Day  - 14 - 30th July 2024, Session on Constitution of India by Mr. Mohan Chawan.

Mr. Mohan Chawan explained to students regarding Salient Features of Indian Constitution, Scheme of Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties in India.

Games such as Picture Prompt, Taboo and Guess the emoji were organized for students of 1st year and senior students by Prof. Ayesha Kiran, CSE Dept.

Day -  15: 31st July 2024 (Valedictory Ceremony)

Following the completion of all the sessions, a valedictory ceremony was organized on 31st July 2024.

The event provided ample opportunities for participants to express their gratitude and share their insights gained during the induction Programme.

Felicitation of Prof. Ali Raza Moosvi, Honorable Vice Chancellor, KBN University by Dr. S Kamal Mohd Azam, Dean, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Khaja Bandanawaz University

Recitation of Qirat by Abdul Majid, CSE Dept. & Keynote by Prof. Ali Raza Moosvi, Honorable Vice Chancellor, Khaja Bandanawaz University.

Prof. Srinivas Kalaskar, highlighting the activities of the induction Programme & Participants sharing their experience regarding the Induction Programme

Vote of thanks by Prof. Md. Yusuf Shiragumpi


With the cooperation of the students and the faculty members, the Induction programme was able to record the feedbacks of the students. The total involvement of deputed Faculties actively engrossed in various responsibilities of induction programme that facilitated to motivate the entrants to stir like a sugar in water of institutional activities. Students were made aware about multidisciplinary areas and their developments and developed ability to transcend from subjective knowledge to the application of subject in real life situations.



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