As per the direction of university, Board of Studies Meeting was organized by Department of Community Medicine on 31/07/2024, 10:00am to 01:00pm.
Dr. M A Baseer (Deputy Controller of Examination and Director, IQAC, KBN University) was the Chairperson, Dr. Shahnaz Shaheen and Dr. M A Fahim were the internal members, Dr. Zeenath Begum and Dr. S.H.Vardhamane were senior experts from lateral departments, Dr. I. Amruta Swati, Dr. Roopa R. M and Dr. Ramesh were external experts for the meeting. Mrs. Afroz Fatima was the secretary for the meeting.
Dr. M A Baseer first welcomed and introduced all the members and agenda of the meeting was put forward.
Following points were discussed:
1. Course curriculum updates
2. Guidelines for conducting small group teaching
3. Allotment of clinic-social case from hospital
4. Theory paper topic wise marks distribution blueprint
5. Inclusion of AETCOM and Pandemic module in theory paper
6. Updates on practical exam marks distribution as per NMC guidelines
7. Assessment of students in practical exam by all examiners as NMC guidelines
8. Inclusion of OSPE & OSCE in practical exam
9. Guidelines regarding appointment of internal and external examiners
10. To update the panel of examiners and evaluators
11. Starting of new course (Diploma in Public Health)